Comparable to riprap on the bed of a natural river, Omniflots® mobile obstacles serve to vary the movement of water in a whitewater stadium in light of the type of user expected (tourists, school children or competitors).
Today, it is the most flexible solution in use to quickly alter the rafting difficulty of a whitewater river and thereby adapt it to the requirements of users.
Water movements are created by assembling polyethylene parts of different heights on the riverbed. Omniflots® mobile obstacles are simply positioned on a frame known as an ‘insert’.
Today, Omniflots® mobile obstacles can be used in two ways :
Inserts III (which replace the smallest obstacle) with or without additional obstacles
Omniflots® III mobile obstacles
Several sizes for different variations :
Designed to protect users :
Designed to be light and transportable :
Inserts I and II are compatible with Omniflots® mobile obstacles.
Insert I :
The inserts are built into tailor-made concrete plates. The concrete plate is then secured to the riverbed to stop it from sliding under the force of the water. Insert I is used when the water carries suspended solids (sand). The concrete plates clean themselves.
Insert II :
The inserts are installed in clusters on the riverbed in order to recreate the movement of water on the bottom of natural rivers. This hydraulic parameter greatly reduces the number of Omniflots® mobile obstacles necessary to recreate the movement of surface water. The costs attributable to the river are thereby reduced.